Location: India

Monday, October 22, 2007

Customized Conscience

I saw a movie sometime back, in the end of which the hero is given a choice by his girlfriend to choose between diamonds (smuggled) worth millions and the love of his life…
The man throws the diamonds in dustbin and chooses the girl… the girl smiles and says “I was just testing… pick up the diamonds…”

The man says, “Thank God you are normal”. Picks up the diamonds and they lived happily ever after.

FLASH BACK 50 Years.

Same situation, the guy throws the diamonds and both of them walk away….. to live the rest of their lives in the same old slum…..

I was confused a lot all these months as what is correct and what is wrong.

Life is short and Money gives you the power. That’s the “Jungle” rule these days.
With the so-called wrong means you can mint money, live a lavish life, and die a happy guy.
Don’t judge me already!!

Think for yourself, how hard, by hook or by crook, you try to save (steal) taxes, showing all fake medical bills, petrol bills, paying no taxes on your FD interests.. isn’t it stealing? Doesn’t matter the amount. Haven’t you bought anything from Grey Market?

Then why do people judge the smugglers? Why not go ahead and extend your scope :).

But as they say, the one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.

Conscience (which is another huge topic in itself) varies. For me getting pirated DVDs from China is perfectly fine! No guilt in me (come-on! I saved my hard earned money).

And there is a guy, who, leave aside buying, doesn’t even watch pirated DVDs (come-on! Thats stealing!!).
For me he is a fool and for him I am a smuggler.

Here again… conscience is “self-governed” and flexible.
The morals change! They always have.

So why do we take a “mobile-phone” smuggler to court while we sit not-guilty in our home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could not proceed further once you said "I was confused a lot all these months as what is correct and what is wrong." Because in confusion; we not see the world as it is, but the world through eyes blurred by the mind.The reality of life is that your perceptions, "right or wrong" -- influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective of your perceptions, you may be surprised how smooth the life is !!

11:06 AM, October 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm...point to ponder! Welcome to the world of grey! But the point is, if we cannot walk the talk, why to talk ;) Life ain't blac-o-white refinej! Come on! You know who am I :)

8:45 PM, November 01, 2007  
Blogger The Devil said...

I liked the title of this blog, "Customized Conscience" :-)

Taking this a bit further, I do not believe anyone in this world is right or wrong, plus, I do not believe that there exists ethics anywhere.

Its a mad world and only the paranoid thrive.

12:01 PM, December 17, 2008  

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