Zhong guo
I remember participating in arguments for usage of English words in Hindi (a language which these days is called “Hinglish”). If using a combination of two languages you are able to express yourself perfectly, what’s the harm???
Like every other thing shouldn’t language too be “modernized”?
I think language was invented to communicate and should be easy rather than un-interpretable and secretive.
Leave aside modernization; shouldn’t it be revised to make it simpler?
Civilization has crossed all phases but there is a country in this world that instead of having 26 or 60 alphabets in its script has more than 40,000 not alphabets but SYMBOLS. And you need to learn atleast 7,000 to just survive there. No points guessing it. It’s the language of the “Main Land”, China.
I am learning it and its freaking me out.
Its Romanization is beyond our imagination. A simple word like “Thank you” is written as Xie-Xie and pronounced as Shei-Shei.
Same word has TOTALLY different meanings when said in different pitch.
Agreed that it’s a very old language and all the sentiments related to it. But since it was developed by their ancestors (probably since the time of nomads) doesn’t mean they need to continue the same pictorial language.
Can’t this hieroglyphics Cantonese (or Mandarin) be revised to make it simpler?
PS : Zhong-guo means China
DISCLAIMER : No offense to Chinese, these are just my thoughts and may be after learning it for 2-3 months I too might develop a flair for it ;).
Like every other thing shouldn’t language too be “modernized”?
I think language was invented to communicate and should be easy rather than un-interpretable and secretive.
Leave aside modernization; shouldn’t it be revised to make it simpler?
Civilization has crossed all phases but there is a country in this world that instead of having 26 or 60 alphabets in its script has more than 40,000 not alphabets but SYMBOLS. And you need to learn atleast 7,000 to just survive there. No points guessing it. It’s the language of the “Main Land”, China.
I am learning it and its freaking me out.
Its Romanization is beyond our imagination. A simple word like “Thank you” is written as Xie-Xie and pronounced as Shei-Shei.
Same word has TOTALLY different meanings when said in different pitch.
Agreed that it’s a very old language and all the sentiments related to it. But since it was developed by their ancestors (probably since the time of nomads) doesn’t mean they need to continue the same pictorial language.
Can’t this hieroglyphics Cantonese (or Mandarin) be revised to make it simpler?
PS : Zhong-guo means China
DISCLAIMER : No offense to Chinese, these are just my thoughts and may be after learning it for 2-3 months I too might develop a flair for it ;).
yes yes!
we must not offend the Chinese... Hindi Cheenee Bhai Bhai...
that makes me wonder, why aren't the girls so friendly?
As I am a software pro ( Damn ! forget it man!!); my first reaction is - "you are not only pretty smart but much proactive too." I still remember that business-week saying Mao's land could be the next destination for IT. If not; atleast you can get a job in my company's US office where they PREFER hiring chinis ;-)
As now a days I am having a great run with a Hindi novel; I became notoriously agitated to see the word " Hinglish"..but soon the rational mind comes out of that coma and it says.....
The fate of language in a ‘dumb’ society is a particularly piquant one;there is hardly any incentive to speak or write in a manner that is complex or subtle, or in a manner that actually shows that we are descendants of centuries of intellectual activity and striving. The English language in India is particularly vulnerable, more so than Hindi,Tamil precisely because of its saliency, on the one hand and its lack of organic roots in this country, on the other. And Hinglish looks a more profound method of communication. I just said " She was looking MAST YAAR !!!" :-).
For if language is the child, then thought is the mother and when there is no incentive for robust thought there will be little possibility of a lively language.
Let me know your name and address ..... I want to hit you hard ... how dare you say such a thing about my mother tongue
To simplify is to change..Imagine changing the language spoken by more than 1.5 billion people. Even if the changes are made, this number is so huge that the change will never get in to the system.So all that thoughts of yours to introduce changes..keep it to yourself...and Get real!!!
I am not suggesting an overnight change. And I agree, to change the language of 1.5 billion ppl is not a joke. But since they never realized it in all these years doesn't mean they should not start adapting now.
Come on now, don't be so reluctant at just the thought of change :).
No offense meant but an i nteresting hypothesis..What happens if China takes over the world..and being communists themselves abolish hindi and other languages in India and force cantonese..By jove, wouldn't you be the lucky one..U can speak their language..may be they will make you a part of their politburo and make you in charge of India. What would you call India then.. ;)
Xie-Xie.(Xie-Xie to you to have taught me this)
Again no offense intended...
"China takes over the world...."
You live in your own sweet little world....
Don't you ;) ?
just in case u didn't read the comment properly..it was a hypothesis...Damn, I should put them within " "..so that its easy for "people" ;) and I assume U know what a "hypothesis"(I remembered this time) means, Don't you ;) ?
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