Location: India

Friday, September 16, 2005


Ever seen Moon ?? No no I am not writing like a poet or some lover looking at moon and remembering his gal. 2 months back I had a flight at night I happen to see moon from flight and I was awestruck !!! Its amazing !! Looks so different from what we see from earth. Luckily It was a full moon night. It was looking so big and of jet-Orange color. Wow !! Do give it a try.

I am just wondering if moon can look so beautiful, how would nebulae and galaxies would look if you are in outer space !! I envy all those astronomers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever someone talks of moon the voice from that famous album rocks in my ears..."There is no dark side of the moon. As a matter of fact, it's all dark. ". We prove you wrong Mark Twain when you said ""Every one is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody""

10:18 AM, September 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mein Shayar to nahien, but ae haseen, jab se dekha meine moon ko plane se.. Shayari aa gayi!!
Waah Jeni waah!! :-)

1:10 AM, October 14, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jet-black means : of the blackest black; similar to the color of jet or coal.

jet-orange , jet-pink or jet-blue cannot be used the way we use jet-black.


will keep correcting

1:14 PM, January 03, 2006  
Blogger Jenifer said...

Angreji master,
Thanks :).
I'll wait for my next lesson.

6:17 PM, January 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These small things which many people dont even notice, makes you someone different.......

2:05 PM, August 02, 2007  

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