Location: India

Monday, September 12, 2005

Harry Potter Craze

Just few facts first.

July 16th will be the official release date for Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince (HP6). This was announced about 9 months in advance. People stood in queue at midnight of 15th to buy the book. had to dedicate an entire separate section for HP6 online booking and on time delivery.
JK Rowling has become richer than the queen of England by writing these series.

Whenever any book is published there are reviews in some side column of page 9 in newspapers. But HP6 release got the front page in almost all the papers of the world.
I don’t want to add another anecdote praising Rowling which just goes in those umpteen HP-fan-club sites. (Though it is very difficult to stop this instinct). But I surely will write that she has created such a feels-like-real magical world that sometimes I feel bad being a Muggle.

Rowling has written it so perfectly that even though there is magic involved but everything is so well placed and well explained with absolutely no loop holes that you tend to believe it to be real. And by the amount of theories and thesis people have developed on HP, I am sure that about 300 hundred years later (if Human race survives), people will believe that HP was a real boy and all this actually happened. Hey, don’t give me that look !! So many people believe that the story of Ramayana actually happened. So why can’t our future generation believe HP to be real. There is Ram, Sita and Laxman in this also (Harry, Hermione and Ron) who are fighting the evil Ravan (Lord Voldemort who infact is also immortal and with a secret as Ravan had). There is an expected-double-agent Snape here as we had a back stabber Vibhishan in the previous legend. There is a breed called Gaints (same as those of Rakshas). And above all there was magic used in Ramayana and here HP himself is a great sorcerer.

I am sure there will be a day where people will go out to find the exact location of Hogwards.


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