Location: India

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Mind Pollution

Got a chance (unfortunately) to see some “K” series serial by Ekta Kapoor and I was so shocked to see the way she has portrait the better half of human species. It was really disgusting.
Not only her serials but almost all the soap operas in hindi television are like that.

This is the base story, there is a joint family with two extreme characters, one is a cloyingly sweet “bahu” whose dialogs and fandas can make you diabetic. The other character sketch includes all the other females of the serial who play crooked, wicked and cunning vixens who marries and re-marries n number of times, have more than one extra-marital affair, are always after the money and to ruin other’s life (displayed in these serials with tones of makeup and heavy clothing even while going to bed but ya they do wear a very long mangal-sutra to show how devoted they are). Not to mention the number of kidnappings and murders they do and walk away in their high heels.

There is a lot of “censorship” in the foreign movies released here in India saying that “the love scenes” in those movies have bad affect on children. Doesn’t these intelligent people have any kind of censorship on these soap operas where women is portrait as “domestic politicians” who manipulates everyone and everything or a whore who is always plotting ways to acquire all the wealth or play around with other’s life.
I really don’t understand how people can enjoy seeing such pathetic serials where everyone is suffering. Doesn’t this affect their state of mind?

What impression are they giving about a girl through these serial and those who have not lived in families with sisters or cousins certainly believe girls to be like these. (Oh yes !! All my friends who has no sisters KNOWS that 99% of the girls are manipulative b****hes).

Shouldn’t we revise our censor rules to put some lines on the way these serial are giving false impressions of females and joint families.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess we should send this to Ekta kapoor ;-).The first time I heard about her when she won Ernest and Young entrepreneur of the year award..then one evening I became a couch potato and decided to have a sneak preview of what she airs. “Horrible.”...( though I am not a feminist) these serials glorify women’s victimisation...All serials wrapped in tradition of male chauvinism encourage women to aim for nothing more than a loving husband, happy children and a modern home. She is shown as passive and subservient portrayed as a glamour doll whose physical beauty is her only asset. The sacrificing role of a woman in every serial is highlighted, as it poses no threat to the patriarchal structure. Women are all the time compromising and negotiating rather than refusing. Women are shown caught up in domesticity where they do everything for others but for themselves.
Good work Jenifer !!!

7:26 AM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger Jenifer said...

Mr./Miss Anonymous,
You are correct. But looks like you watched only one episode, had you followed it over the week atleast, you would have realized that such sacrificing character is only one. (mostly the eldest daughter-in-law).
Besides conveying the message of being a “goody-goody” gal, some of these serials are so pathetically portraying the “misery” a girl has to face.
I remember seeing few episodes of a serial where a gal is being humiliated beyond imagination because she is not fair in color. This is a very well educated and rich family. I agree there might be some bad incidents with the not-so-fair gals in backward areas but the way it is reflected in the serial is beyond comprehension. The girls here is treated as an un-touchable having an un-curable disease. Parents are trying to get rid of her by marrying and giving a lot of dowry and the in-laws are asking for some extra amount to compensate her color. Instead of gifting the engagement ring, its thrown on the grounds by in-laws and she is supposed to wear it.(And YES she did wear it !!). I don’t think this happens in real life.
Seeing this I really appreciated the imagination (capability to think of mental-tortures) of the script writer.

11:40 AM, November 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here's the deal...if people like that kind of stuff... then go ahead.

And the fact that you know so much abt these serials, makes me wonder if you aren't a clost fan yourself.

6:06 PM, November 25, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here's the deal...if people like that kind of stuff... then go ahead.

And the fact that you know so much abt these serials, makes me wonder if you aren't a closet fan yourself.

6:06 PM, November 25, 2005  
Blogger Jenifer said...

Mr. Jambooree Dada,

:). I guess 1 week of watching (tolerating) these serials is enuff to understand whats going on. But I confess, I do catch up with these serials to know the latest fashion in jewelry and sarees :).

8:04 PM, November 25, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"to know the latest fashion in jewelry and sarees"--> I am not at all surprised...I know people who ( read as "claim to") know a $hit about business/ finance but still religiously watch CNBC to catch a glimpse of so called "intelligent and hot " babes :>). But looking at your motivation to watch them I guess all the desi designers are going to have a tough time...!!!

7:47 PM, November 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the first thought, I was surprised to hear that YOU watched one of K's soaps.

On second thought, no point in discussing the effectiveness of Indian Censor board. I somehow feel that Doordarshan was one of the best channels available in Indian TV industry. Strangely, but luckily, i'm getting opportunity to watch "Discovery of India" and "Chanakya" here in US these days. Saturday morning are becomming better because of these and believe me, I used to miss these back in India.

6:50 AM, December 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long time to reading / writting??

8:19 AM, December 14, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Saas bahu' serials!! A well written article on a much debated topic. Umm..but let us stop blaming the K lady about it. As irritated as yourself with the eternal nonsense being thrown at us, I tried surfing channels, only to get drowned in despair. All the serials being made are based on the same story line, the same faceless men folk being driven and directed by frightfully decked up ladies. The ones that try to be 'different' are more torturous, being degraded copies of American sitcoms. To name one, I was watching the desi version of 'Kumars at House no. 69' and I could not believe humor can be so painful. If santa banta jokes, screaming and an oddly placed laugh track is all the sitcoms can give us, I would love watching the 'I will ruin you before you know it' types, atleast they don't expect you to laugh!

3:28 PM, December 21, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi jenifer!
Ekta here

well the thing is i too dont used to watch my serials.. but plz for god sake dont make it public... actually na , i got break with steven spillburg he is creating a film on cocroaches and for adding emoptions he wants my help .. its a cocroaches family drama ,

dont miss that ..
Ekta ....oor.

2:22 PM, April 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watch K serials for fun,

just to test my intuition, Now a days i am so good at guess work, just by looking at one frame i can tell who is bitching with whom,

12:48 PM, April 03, 2007  

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