Location: India

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Commercialization ?

Got a chance for another trip to Ooty. Last one was about 4 years back. I thought everything will be a repetition but wow !!! you think you have seen it all but its never so…. Nature’s beauty is un-matched. Prefer day time traveling. There are n number of tourist points but the trails leading to these places are the real beauty… Oh no !!! what am I doing ?? Writing a travel log… No no…
I'll get back to what I actually wanted to say, while going to one of these points, as last time, I thought of having masala tea, sitting amidst clouds and un-manageable but refreshing cool breeze, I was so prepared to see the tea estates all over from one of the highest points there…. but as soon as I reached there, I was dumbfounded !! I saw a lot of shops everywhere (and many more under construction)… obstructing that amazing scenic beauty…. The view could only be seen from a small point… which was chocking with tourists…. So much has changed in last 4 years. Call it commercialization ?
All I could see were shops selling hats, spices, home-made-chocolates, SOFT TOYS (??) etc.
Shouldn’t we spare atleast these places from all these “convenience stores”?
I guess having some tea stalls and onion/capsicum “bajji” won’t harm… well after an 8 Km trek you are hungry…. but fancy garments shops there befuddles me.

If our dear government can take pains to put boards at these places about how much did they spent on “renovating” these places, they can for sure spend some more time on having a check on these shops growing faster than mushrooms at these beautiful view points.
(Constructing a good road won’t harm either :) ….)
What say ?

PS : For those curious people, I am talking about dolphin nose in Conoor.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is nothing new. It is almost the same (sad)story with most of the "Famed" hill stations (tourist destinations in general) of India. Thats why everytime I pick up an outlook traveller or any in flight mag ( Jet one is good) I look for those not so famous ones and trust me I had been to some of them. There you might not get the comfort of luxury hotels; but your noble purpose of getting enchanted by nature fullfills. Other than commercialization I see another threat i.e deforestation. The rate at which the green is going away soon I guess we will loose some ecological balance !!!

11:05 PM, October 19, 2005  

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