Location: India

Monday, September 12, 2005

Finally I have it :)

It all started almost 2 years back, my boss called me and asked me to get it as I’ll be needing it in my next assignment in Germany, I knew this will happen some day and I’ll have to get it but dint see it coming so soon…. After 1 hour of serious thinking I decided to go for it. So I called those guys, they agreed and said my training starts the very next day, just after lunch time. Time flashed and here I was, standing there just to start it… I was nervous, getting goose bumps but then I thought everyone does it so why can’t I ? So I started with my training, it went for 10 days, then came the test day, I was confident, after all this practice they can’t fail me !!!
The officer came and asked me to perform. I started but boooom, It dint move a single step, I was sweating, could see a devilish smile in the officer’s eyes… NO !! This cannot be happening !!! I immediately realized I have flunked. All hopes (high hopes) down the drain, everyone laughing at me, How can someone flunk this test ? Got so depressed that dint even think of trying again for more than one year.
Then I gathered some courage and thought now its high time I NEED to have it, I called those guys again and went to their office, after a small revision I was asked to re-appear for the test. This time I knew I’ll get it. I HAD to get !!. They called me at some place I thought I knew but I went to the wrong place and my absent was marked as a failure in their records.
But this dint discouraged me … “Come on !! even spiders don’t give up” said one of my friends, so after preparing myself and practicing for about 4 months I shamelessly went to their office again and I could read “Oh she is the one who have failed twice” in their eyes. But by now I was in “don’t care” mode and I knew it if I don’t get it this time, I’ll never try again. The officer smiled and asked me to reverse park the car and bingo !!! I did it perfectly :). My Driving License, its just kept in front of me and I am staring with a big smile from it.


Blogger Jenifer said...

Sorry :(
But the good part is you have posted another one :).

9:59 AM, September 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing else but smiles. Didn't know that you are a wonderful writer too!! Good to discover this part of you!!
:-) :-) :-)

6:12 AM, October 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing else but smiles. Didn't know that you are a wonderful writer too!! Good to discover this part of you!!
:-) :-) :-)

6:12 AM, October 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your transition from popy driver to an expert was very fast.
Not very often people does this transition in Time.

Good keep it up..
And keep away from Auto and BMTC.

Happy driving.

11:22 AM, January 23, 2006  

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